Faith & Manifestation

Faith & Manifestation ❥

Some things are beyond us, but still within reach…

Unsettled in my Settling: Ready for More, Scared to Jump
Autumn Blake Autumn Blake

Unsettled in my Settling: Ready for More, Scared to Jump

There have been countless times when I have been comfortable in something, a job, a relationship, a routine, only to feel a tug at my heart, a whisper that says, "There is more for you." It's a strange feeling, isn't it? Knowing you are meant for more but being so content where you are. It's like lying in a king-size bed surrounded by oversized pillows on a rainy day – so comfortable, yet you know you don't want that weather or condition everyday for the rest of your life….

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Me SZN: The Selfish Years We Will Never Get Back
Autumn Blake Autumn Blake

Me SZN: The Selfish Years We Will Never Get Back

Whoever was the first person to say "The world doesn't revolve around you" was simply a hater. My world is most definitely a glamorous orbit of a single woman in her early 20s, with no children or husband. It absolutely revolves around me, and I am embracing it.

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