Growing through all that we're going through

Growing through all that we're going through ❥

“And here you are living, despite it all…” - Rupi Kaur

Mental Gymnastics: Balancing self-criticism with self-compassion
Autumn Blake Autumn Blake

Mental Gymnastics: Balancing self-criticism with self-compassion

It's seriously so easy to look at our life and think about all the things that are wrong with it. I’ve been on a mental battlefield these past few days, mentally ripping myself to shreds. I need to be more consistent, I need better routines, I don't stick to the boundaries I create... yadiyadiyadaaaa. And while all of those things are true, and it's important to set goals for ourselves, it's also extremely important to give ourself grace.

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I'm The Problem Sometimes : Identifying Our Toxic Traits
Autumn Blake Autumn Blake

I'm The Problem Sometimes : Identifying Our Toxic Traits

Apart of growing up, and really taking accountability for your life is simply realizing that sometimes we are the problem. It can't ALWAYS be the other person. In my journey to be my higher and most authentic self coupled with a therapist who does not hold back on calling me out on my shit, in the past few months I have come face to face with the simple reality that I am not always the victim.

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Lost in Transition: Coping with Post- Graduation Depression
Autumn Blake Autumn Blake

Lost in Transition: Coping with Post- Graduation Depression

As exciting as graduation is, the commencement of a time in your life, the closing of a chapter and the beginning of a new one, there is also this looming sense of fear and uncertainty that we don't talk about enough. For the girlies who aren't going right back to school, this will be our first time outside of an educational setting. And this transition is scary for several reasons. We have just spent the last 17 to 18 years of our lives in institution, and being a student is literally apart of our identity. When we transition away, we are left to figure out who we are outside of educational parameters.

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